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Practice speaking in a foreign language with actual native speakers. Introducing the ultimate language exchange app: Lingbe!

Like many people, I’m pretty sure it’s been a dream of yours to master a language other than your own. Whether it be Spanish, French, or Italian, mastering another language is quite an accomplishment. There are multiple apps on the Store that offer “tutorials” but what Lingbe offers is significantly different and better!

Lingbe offers you an experience. You won’t have to rely on just rote memory to try and learn new words in a foreign language, this is quite ineffective. Through Lingbe, you will be able to practice speaking and sounding like a legit native, since the app connects you with a native speaker of your language of choice! Neat huh?

The process is really simple. All you need to do is press on the call button and the app will link you with a person to help you practice in real time! You can converse freely with the person. This helps you pick up nuances that you otherwise wouldn’t pick up on if you used other basic language teaching apps. 
After the call, your language partner will then send you feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and fluency so you are aware of your progress and what you need to improve on.

So, if you’re down to improve your foreign language speaking skills legitimately, you know Lingbe is the answer! Download the app now for FREE!

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