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Angry Birds 2 on MyAppFree
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Angry Birds 2

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Angry Birds 2 is just as good as its predecessor but is twice the amount of fun and entertainment!

Most of us have played and grown to love Angry Birds since its conception 10 years ago. And what’s not to like about this game? From the storyline--flightless birds seek revenge against the menacing green pigs that stole their eggs, down to the engaging and explosive gameplay...Angry birds is the perfect formula of a highly replayable game.

Even though this is the nth game of the Angry Birds franchise, the hype is still very much alive! This new installment is still as thrilling as the original, but with a few new twists and surprises and of course, better graphics!

Each new level is popping with vibrancy and color. Accompanied by amazing sound design.

Check the game out for yourself and be part of the hundreds of millions of people who are in on the craze. Play for free!

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