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Fairway Solitaire on MyAppFree
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Fairway Solitaire

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Fairway Solitaire is a free-to-play card game that offers a fun twist to this classic game we all know and love.

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a long queue without anything to do? Are you in search of the next game that only requires minimal engagement? Well, look no further! Fairway Solitaire is a free solitaire game with a twist that you can play anywhere and anytime.

This game is a great way to pass the time, but don’t think for a second that it is totally mindless. The challenge ramps up as you go through the levels. However, to play the game the mechanics are simple, you have a draw pile and the way to clear out the board is to play a card that is one card up or one card lower than your draw pile. 

Enjoy thousands of levels and play to win rewards! Also, be on the lookout for weekend themed challenges. 

Get Fairway Solitaire for FREE on the Store!

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