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Flippy Bottle Extreme! on MyAppFree
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Flippy Bottle Extreme!

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Master your bottle-flipping skills digitally in this unique and exciting game!

Remember that bottle flipping craze that has taken over the internet by storm? Well, now you can do it all on your phone! No need to have a physical bottle to relive the fun.

Flippy Bottle Extreme has built an entire pixel world extravaganza just to cater to expert bottle flippers, such as yourself. There are different venues and modes to play in, you will never get bored!

Each level has its own challenges. And mind you, as the levels progress, it gets trickier to successfully land a bottle. In some levels you would need to flip a bottle on a moving platform or perfectly hit and balance your bottle on top of the eiffel tower...this game has tons of fun and silly ways to make your bottle-flipping adventure thrilling!

So, whenever you feel the strong urge to practice your skills in flipping a bottle and have it land perfectly right side up...just whip out your phone! 

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