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Mini World: Block Art on MyAppFree
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Mini World: Block Art

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Mini World Block Art is just like minecraft but with extra cuteness overload in the form of pixelated animals.

Mini World Block Art provides one of the best platforms to exercise your creativity while also satisfying your sense of adventure. In this game, the possibilities are limitless. You get to have access to tons of cool features.

If you're feeling creative juices flowing through you, perhaps you’d like to enter Creative mode and just build to your heart’s desire. Do not feel constrained...go all out! Build castles in the sky and other unique objects.

If you want to challenge yourself with finding the resources, crafting equipment, building shelters, foraging for food...then the Survival mode is more suited for you.
There are also mini-games for bite-sized entertainment!
The best part is...this game is free!

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