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Rayman Adventures on MyAppFree
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Rayman Adventures

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Rayman Adventures gives us the fantastical world where Rayman would need to find the Ancient Eggs that were scattered around the world that are necessary to breathe new life to the sacred tree.

This adventure game is a fast-paced and adrenaline-filled app that will keep you busy collecting abilities and treasures from mystical lands, haunted medieval castles and to the land of the gods - Olympus.

It’s great graphics and nostalgia from playing the previous Rayman games made it more interesting plus it is available both in Google Play and Apple Store. Although many players mentioned the difficulties in the controls, which sometimes lags or does not work at all, it is still quite addictive but needs more work with the bugs to make it easier for the players. 

The adventure game is available in: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish, Korean, Japanese, Arabic and Chinese.

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