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Crowd City

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There is absolutely nothing to hate about this game. It delivers bite-sized entertainment while making your heart race throughout the game

Our days are full of 5-minute breaks. It can take 5 minutes for our fast food order to be served, waiting in line at the movies,  or even when we take a dump 😂
In those 5 minutes we usually scroll mindlessly through Facebook or Instagram. Why not do something enjoyable? Try playing Crowd City. Millions of people can attest to how fun and exciting it is to play a round of this game. 

You start out as a single player and it is your job to approach the little grey people to join you. The goal is to have the biggest crowd possible at the end of the round. 

If you want to go up against other players, try the much more thrilling multiplayer mode. The premise is the same, but steer away from other players that have a bigger crowd than yours as they can absorb you in and ultimately defeat you. But if you have a large crowd… Go ahead and seek and assimilate the other players. That'll show them who the real boss is. You have got to put a strategy in place to emerge as the winner. 

Keep your adrenaline pumping and play this game for free on the Store! 

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